DFS Tutorial

Matt Smith Q&A Chat, Wednesday 4:30pm US EDT/Thursday 8:30am AUS AEST

Initial Setup- what you need to do to get started

When you first select DFS Projections from the DFS Tools drop-down, you will be re-directed to DFS League Settings page with the following message:

A "New DraftKings" league will be pre-loaded for you automatically, based on DraftKings default scoring, and you can simply click "Save Settings" to save those settings. To create and save new settings for a different DFS provider, use the following steps:

1. Click the "Create New League" button
Note: all new leagues default to the "New DraftKings" pre-loaded set-up
2. Edit the League Name to reflect the appropriate provider (FanDuel, DraftDay, etc)
3. Select the appropriate provider (FanDuel, DraftDay, etc) from the "Daily Provider" drop-down menu
4. Click the "Use Default Values" button after making your selection from the "Daily Provider" drop-down menu
Note: this will automatically update the settings to reflect the provider defaults
5. Click the "Save Settings" button to save the league
Note: you'll now find your new league has been added to the "League" drop-down menu, and this process can be repeated as many times as is necessary, based on the various daily sites on which you play

The DFS Projections Page- the day's games

Select/unselect teams to be included in the player list below by clicking the "Select All" or "Clear All" buttons, or using the checkmarks for individual teams
- hours:minutes remaining before the start of the game
[Team] by [0.0 000.0] - lists the favored team, point spread, and total points over/under

The DFS Projections Page- your lineup

Players are added to your lineups for the day via the buttons and removed via the buttons. As you build your lineup, the following is displayed: individual player and total team values (Value), individual player value-to-salary ratios (Ratio), the total number of players you have (Total) and have available (Remaining), and your lineup's total salary (Total) and available salary (Remaining).

In the provided DraftKings example lineup, all but two roster spots have been filled (C, UTIL), and a total of $8,500 is available to spend, for an average of $4,250 per remaining spots.

Clear Team - clears all players from the current selected lineup without deleting it
Add - adds a new blank lineup for editing
Copy - copies the current selected lineup to a new lineup

Run Lineup Optimizer - the DFS Lineup Optimizer will fill up to three remaining roster spots with the highest projected players available based on your remaining salary. Players selected by the optimizer will be designated with a icon in your lineup, and you can click the icon to exclude the player from subsequent optimizations. Click the icon to remove the player from the roster without excluding them as options for subsequent optimizations.

The DFS Projections Page- available display columns

Display Columns - use the checkboxes to select/deselect and the icon to save your choices
Values - projected point value for the day
Actual Values - actual point value for the day
Base Value - base projection with no BBM factors applied
Days Rest - days off since the player last played
Status - player general statuses
Injuries - player injury statuses
Stats - individual stats projections
Odds - points spread and over/under
Ease - ease of the player's matchup
Ease Position - the players dominant position when calculating ease

Analysis Source - use projections or actual results to calculate player projected Values
Projections - current Basketball Monster projected stats
Full Season - player actual stats for the full season to-date
Past # Days - player actual stats for a custom date range
Past # Games -player actual stats for a custom game range

Apply BBM Factors - our custom, individual factors for each player, each day; based on matchups, recent player performance, and more

Comparison Column - displays a CompV column for comparison purposes based on your selected criteria
Note: we recommend that you use Projections as your go-to analysis source, and use the Comparison Column to view past actuals and see, in particular, players that are hot/cold for the selected date/game range

Value Consistency Column - displays a ValueC column based on your selected criteria
Note: this shows a player's consistency of overall value relative to other players' consistency, with a higher number reflecting more consistency

Stat Consistency Column - displays a C column based on your selected criteria
Note: this shows a player's consistency for the selected stat relative to other players' consistency, with a higher number reflecting more consistency

The DFS Projections Page- the projections

Use these buttons to quickly limit the displayed players to an individual position or the default of "All" positions. The number in (parentheses) after the position indicates the default at that position for the current selected provider. Choosing "Selected Players Only" and clicking "Refresh" displays projections for only the players selected for the current displayed lineup. You can export the projections via the "Export to Excel" or "Export to CSV" buttons.


Note: your display may differ based on what you've selected from among the available Display Columns
Like - offer your personal opinion on the player for the day
Rank - the player's rank for the day based on projected Value
Price - the player's salary for the day
Ratio - a players ratio of Value to Price (the higher the number, the more value per dollar)
Value -the player's projected Value for the day
ActualV - the player's actual Value for the day (when available)
BaseV - the player's base projection for the day with no factors applied
CompV - the Comparison Column value, based on your selected criteria
ValueC - the Value Consistency value, based on your selected criteria
pC - the stat consistency value, based on your selected criteria (pC = points)
Inj - the player's current injury status
Ease - the opponent matchup ease for the player
EPos - the player's primary position for which ease is determined
Rest - the number of days off since the player last played
Odds - the points spread and over/under for the player's game

stat columns (pts, reb, ast, etc) - projected individual stats for each scoring category
statV columns (ptsV, rebV, astV, etc) - projected individual scoring for each scoring category